Buddha Jewel Monastery Tenant Improvements
Location: Shoreline, Washington
Client: Buddha Jewel Monastery
Sector: Commercial/Institutional
25,086 SF Temple Facility, 50 Bed Dormitory
This project entails major renovations of the existing 25,086 SF Buddha Jewel Monastery facility in Shoreline, WA. Buddha Jewel serves as one of only nine US Branches of the Chung Tai Monastery, which is headquartered in Taiwan. The project will be completed in four phases to keep the Temple operating during renovation. Edge serves as the owner representative and is working closely with the architectural firm Pacific Design Group to serve the Taiwan-based client of this project. The new facility has increased maximum building capacity to 225 people, and incorporated the latest in HVAC, lighting, and Audiovisual technologies to enhance Zen Meditation sessions and Buddhist teachings. Planning for the dormitory is currently underway.